Saturday, March 12, 2016

Pleasant Surprises

I could call it camping.
I could call it glamping.
Or, I could call it slumming it.
Last week I did a combination of all three. I spent four days in the wilderness, slept in a cabin and for approximately 96 hours did minimal primping and dressing.

Ella had outdoor school last week and I volunteered to be a chaperone.
It was one of those things that I quickly raised my hand to volunteer for and then when I was called on, I kind of slumped down in my chair wishing I hadn't raised my hand after all.

However, isn't it so true of most things in life that when we have low expectations we end up being pleasantly surprised?
I had the BEST time! It was awesome!

Ella had a great time too!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Valentine's Day Week

If you are interested in knowing if I did it or not - I did! 

I cleaned out my closet! 

I got rid of all things that were not bringing me joy including the fun "flying nun" hat below. I purchased the pretty, blue hat a couple of years ago when I was working at Loft. I never wore it. I didn't go to the Kentucky Derby and I didn't go to Florida. The hat took up real estate in my closet for many months because it was one of those "what if" items. I finally decided that it was not worth holding onto, if I was ever to go to the Derby or Florida I could buy a new hat. Maybe a hat more proportional to my head?
My first born baby called home the other night in need of a baby picture. She was born before the age of digital everything and so all of her baby pictures are printed out. They are printed out and in boxes in the attic. Not convenient to get at quickly. Luckily, I had the below picture framed in her room. How is this baby of mine almost 22 years old? She will be a college graduate in a few months and come September, she will be teaching in an elementary school - she will be teaching someone else's baby!
Last weekend when I cleaned out my closet I set aside all of my pink and red clothing - I have been trying to wear these seasonal pieces all week.
As I have aged I have discovered the importance of having friends of all ages. I think you kind of reach a place in life where you realize women are women. We are old and young. And, we can ALL learn from each other. I met Kristy at Bar Method over a year ago. She is several years my senior. She is much closer to my mom's age than mine. Kristy has quickly become a very dear friend. The kind of friend that you feel as if you've known your entire life. I can't imagine not having this beautiful soul in my life.We bought these Bar thermals together months ago and showed up in them at the same time this week. So of course. A picture. I made her stand sassy like that.
I was in Costco on Thursday and walked out behind these darling ladies. They appeared to be a mother and daughter. The sight of them made me miss my own mother. Sigh.
I think this is my last year volunteering to be the Room Parent for Ella's class. I would like to take just a little break. Hopefully next year someone is willing to take over.  It is not a huge deal (and it is a lot of fun) but when the parties come up I always get stressed and procrastinate and over buy and it is just a crazy mess.
I was pretty tickled with these little Love Potion No. 9 labels I found on Pinterest. I feel better giving the students water at the parties. They don't need added sugar at these events! I found water bottle labels for the Christmas party that said "Melted Snowman"! So cute!
I hope you are having a love filled weekend! Hugs and Kisses! xo

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Oh, Hello Saturday

Hello Saturday!

It is 1:12 p.m. and I am sipping on cup of coffee #3. The chilly and gray weather is making it very easy to justify coffee and dilly dallying on my computer.

My morning started strong. I took a Bar Method class at 9:30 a.m.
 I do LOVE the bar!
But now I find that I have kind of stalled out. I have much to do but am lacking motivation to get going.

I really need to clean out my closet! Like really! A clean closet always makes me feel so accomplished and organized. I enter my closet at least 2-4 times per day and when it is clutter-y, I just cringe!
I keep telling myself to quit buying clothes and to simply better organize my closet so that I can work with what I have in a more efficient manner.
I am tackling that closet though! As soon as I finish this post I am walking straight to my closet with trash bags in hand. No excuses! I will report back next Saturday. Now the pressure is ON!

Off the subject of coffee, gloom and cleaning...just try reading the letter below out loud without smiling.
Maybe you didn't smile. Maybe it is just me. But remember, we made a deal, this blog is my FUN place so no judging my 5th grade, boy humor.

For another chuckle, this is so my mom (bless her heart)...
Do you know anyone like that? Drives me CRAZY!

Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday.
Unfortunately, the above funny DOES remind me of the Dallas Cowboys sad season and therefore, I am only excited about the commercials and nachos tomorrow. For the record, I will be cheering for the Panthers! I am just so tired of all the Bronco greatness!
 On a more serious note, have you heard of Dry Brushing?
Google it. I received an Amazon gift card for my birthday and after reading about Dry Brushing I purchased a brush. I am two days in to using my brush and I think I might like it — a lot! Check it out!

So now the time has come to finish the last drop of my coffee, sign off my computer, gather those trash bags and march straight to my closet.
But oh, how nice a nap sounds!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Writing the Mundane

I am so out of practice from blog writing.

And a Saturday post? That was so not my thing in my prior blogging days. Maybe Saturday posts will be my new thing? My signature posting day - just like a signature perfume!

I have nothing important to say and nothing of real interest to write about. Life today is looking pretty mundane.

However, I prayed a prayer this morning that grabbed me...

"God of action, speak to my heart so that I can be a witness to your love for others."

I feel convicted that this pull on my heart to get back to writing is God "speaking to my heart".

So, I will write. I will write the mundane because maybe that is what I am called to share. I am not a fashion expertise nor a foodie. I am not a house designer. I am not well versed in the Bible or in politics. I am not a spouse, parent or friend full of wisdom to share. I am not a fitness buff or a diet expert. And, I am not an educated writer.

I am just me. Just Kari.

So, although I am not an expertise in anything special, I am many things.

I am a lover of clothes and products.
Recent Loft purchases - the jacket is soft and has pockets! 

I am a lover of food. Especially sweets.
Cookies on display are delicious to look at and good to eat!

I am fond of a pretty house.
My simple house is my castle.

I am in love with my God and His written Word.
I am currently attending Community Bible Study - Love it!

I am becoming more and more interested in politics - the election year drama - oh my goodness!
No words needed.

I am a spouse, a parent and a friend. I love my roles as such.
A rare sharing of my family.

A new Texas, Bible study friend.

I am committed to a healthy life style which involves daily exercise and a diet that is mostly in favor of good food and drink choices. I am committed to living healthily so that I can enjoy splurges and sanity.
Have you discovered Sumo oranges? You should!

My morning walk today! An awesome time to think and listen for God's whispers to me.

And, I am a writer because I write.
My BFF - without her I would be a mess.
She holds so much information for me.
I don't normally speak about my computer as a gender.  That would be weird.

"God of action, speak to my heart so that I can be a witness to your love for others."

My prayer for this blog is that it can become a place for me to speak my heart without worry of judgement so that through my mundaneness, through the things that I AM, I can be a witness of God's love for me which is the very same love that He has for everyone.

If I am able to take the pressure off of myself, the pressure of sounding shallow or less than brilliant, and allow this blog, "And Now They Call Me Ma'am", to be a place to have fun and let God's light and blessings shine, then maybe, just maybe...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Just A Few Minutes

I shouldn't be typing right now.

The calendar on my computer just told me that I have a hair appointment in 50 minutes which means I need to leave in 35 minutes.

I went to Bar class this morning so I need to shower. The great thing about hair appointments is that I don't have to wash my hair before I go!

I came home from class made a protein shake, emptied the dishwasher, restocked the Keurig drawer with pods and loaded wet laundry into the dryer. As I restocked the Keurig drawer the idea of a cup of coffee started sounded really good so I turned the machine on and brewed a cup.

I decided to take a few minutes, sit on my back porch and enjoy the early morning heat and my coffee before rushing back into my day.

So, here I sit. I don't sit out here often enough. It's so peaceful. It's not necessarily quiet - the dryer is going, birds are squawking, a lawnmower is going and I hear the occasional car in the distance - but they are peaceful sounds and it is soothing.

Just a few minutes.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Fun Mail

I love fun mail.
And, I really love when a magazine arrives for me.
Even though this bit of fun mail is for my daughter, it still made my heart soar!
Placing it on her bed knowing that it will be a fun treat for her at bedtime made me smile!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Another Day Another Hat

So here is the deal. I do shower. I do wash my hair. And, I do blow dry my hair. However, it's steps 4 and 5 that I avoid if at all possible. Step 4 being taking a curling iron to my hair and Step 5 being make-up. 
I'm clean. I'm very clean. I adore clean. And I smell good and my skin is moisturized. My teeth are brushed, flossed and mouthwashed. 
My hygiene is good. I promise.
But without steps 4 and 5 I am just not able to pull off the "out in public" look anymore.
So, hats are becoming a friend to me. I really like hats! Inexpensive fashion statements!
I figure why do hair damage and perform clog poring rituals if not necessary? There are enough events in life that require full on makeovers! A typical Thursday in my current life does not require extra beauty effort. Effort, yes. Extra effort,no.
I say just be clean and wear a cute hat. And sunglasses. And lipstick.
I really love this lipstick by Urban Decay. It's called FIEND. I went in looking for a neutral, pink toned color that could be dressed up or worn down. This was what the make-up specialist at Ulta pointed me towards and it has not disappointment me! 
I'm going to wipe off my lipstick now so that I can drink my coffee that I drove through Starbucks to get on my way to the sweltering carpool line. See, why even bother with lipstick on an ordinary day? It just melts off my face in the heat or gets all smeary when I drink my coffee! Except for blog selfies, of course, then I should wear lipstick!